16. Juni 2023 – 03. Juli 2023
Karlsplatz TU Wien
During the first of two semesters we designed a curve crease folded monocoque structure.
11500 hours contributed
300 paper models built
4 custom programs coded
In the beginning of the second semester, after we created a construction and fabrication documentation of our design, we built 1:1 Prototypes.
1500 hours contributed
60 m² HPL-sheets used
1400 rivets fastened
350 kg lifted
At Fundermax we built each module.
12500 workhours contributed
63 hours milling time
380 m² HPL-sheets used
13200 rivets fastened
4800 brackets bent and fastened
490 steel brackets drilled and fastened
19000 holes drilled
2,4 t lifted
All Modules were transportet to Karlsplatz and there assembled.
1100 hours contributed
290 bolts fastened
1,4t lifted
Events and more.
14 days open
15 Events done
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Magazin No. 1, Published June 2023
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TU Wien
Institute of Architecture and Design
Department of Building Construction and Design 2 E 253/5
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